WW1 M.M & Pair to A.S.H PICKING 5th F.A AUST A.M.C
WW1 Military Medal & pair awarded to 16698 Alfred Samuel Horace PICKING of the 5th Field Ambulance, Australian Medical Corps , his M.M earned in France, with the medals that are in superb original condition being his original citation “ Private Picking Volunteered And went into “NO MANS LAND” under a heavy High Explosive And Machine Gun barrage, near Daisy Wood, East Of ZONNEBECKE, on the morning of 10th October 1917, and dressed wounds in the open and brought them back to the lines. His actions undoubtedly saved the lives of several men who could not crawl into our front lines, had been laying out all night in the cold and wet now without cover from the barrage. His conduct was a splendid example to his fellows of self-sacrifice and devotion . Picking was also twice wounded one from a gas attack and the other being G.S.W to hand and leg. Picking from Newmarket, Victoria was an artist and all his skill was use to illustrate the very rare 24 page booklet called ‘Abroad with the Fifth ‘ that comes with this group along with a letter from the Australian War Memorial accepting one of paintings. A well documented group of items to an incredibly brave man
Code: 60087
1300.00 GBP