WW2 U.S Army/ Air Force pair of officers U.S Collars
Really nice pair of Army and Air Force officers gilded U.S collar badges by high quality makers AMCRAFT read more
WW1 U.S 312th Field Artillery Regt officers collar badges
Rare pair of ww1 blackened brass officers collar badges of the 312th F.A.R . The 312th was equipped with 155mm cannons and was placed under the famous 79th Infantry division (Cross of Lorraine) seeing extensive combat in the Meuse -Argonne offensive read more
60.00 GBP
WW1 U.S Army Battery C, 2nd Artillery Regiment hat badge
Officers dark bronze screw back hat badge read more
18.00 GBP
WW1 U.S Field Artillery other ranks Artillery hat badge
Gilded brass screw back hat badge read more
18.00 GBP
WW1 U.S Army Quartermasters officers collar badges
Matching facing pair of blackened brass collar badges read more
20.00 GBP
WW1 U.S Army officers ‘U.S’ collar badges
Blackened brass officers collar badges in great condition read more
20.00 GBP
WW1 U.S Army officers single U.S collar badge
Large blackened brass U.S Army officers collar badge read more
10.00 GBP
WW2 U.S Army majors rank badge by Shoulder-form
Brooch backed gold coloured Majors rank badge by unusual maker Shoulder form read more
WW2 U.S ARMY/ Airforce Lieut Colonels Rank badge
White metal brooch backed badge by Shoulder-form read more